As an intercessor I often carry the weight of others’ burdens to our Lord in prayer. God has made my spirit sensitive to hear beyond my normal human ability and to listen to the depths of someone’s pain in a way I could not on my own. He gives me his ears to hear.
God often guides my very prayers when I surrender myself to him before I begin to pray and intercede. I often find myself praying words I had no forethought of to pray. Trusting God in this allows me to intercede on a deeper level than I would have been able to on my own.
In all of this I must fully rely on God’s strength and not my own to be able to continue to intercede as he has called me to do. To put it quite simply, I am not capable, in my own strength, to hear what I hear, to see what I see, and to keep lifting that kind of pain to the Lord in prayer. I may not always fully realize how much I’ve carried to the Lord. This morning I listened, really listened to a song that reminded me “God is With Us” and it dropped me to my knees and I melted into tears.
You see, I am praying for many people, people in places all over the world. I am praying for many ministries with all their trials and the hurts of those leading the ministries. I am praying for Nations and some of those Nations are at war. The pain of those I am interceding for is intense.
Melting down is sometimes very necessary for an intercessor. It allowed me to release to God what I was holding on to. It reminded me that God heals the wounds I receive when I pray and intercede on a deep level for the pain of others. God was right there with me, beside me on my knees as the tears poured out. He was healing me from the hurts I have been lifting to him in prayer on behalf of so many. He was strengthening me so that I may continue.
Melting down into the arms of God is exactly the place we need to be when the trials of this world become too much. For it is in the arms of our Lord that we are healed, strengthened and encouraged. Then and only then can we persevere in intercession.
If you’re an intercessor, cry, melt into the arms of our Lord, but don’t stop praying. Don’t stop interceding. God is with us.
Written by: One of God's Intercessors