By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
If you are an intercessor, called by God to pray for people you will understand when I tell you I just couldn’t help myself. There was just no way that I couldn’t pray for Leroy. Let me explain.
We were having a garage sale at my daughter’s house. I was helping my granddaughters with their lemonade stand when he walked up. He was older, not exactly clean and quite scruffy looking.
He immediately asked if we had any music or CD’s for sale. I took him to the area where we had a few CD’s but he didn’t recognize the artist. I explained it was Christian music and that’s when he stated emphatically, “Well, that explains it. I am not a Christian.”

In that moment I felt like God said, “Here is a door, daughter. Will you walk through it?” I did. Right there in the driveway with many people milling about I shared the gospel with Leroy. Then, because I just couldn’t help myself, I asked him if I could pray for him.
That’s when he began to tell me how others had tried and why it would be a waste of my time to pray for someone like him. He ended with, “OK, you can pray, but I can’t hear it. It would burn my ears and lightening would come down.”
So, I did what any one of God’s intercessors would do. I prayed…aloud. While at first he moaned, Leroy then stopped and bent down to look at some kids’ toys not a foot from me as I continued to pray for him. As he had just vehemently told me that he couldn’t hear it, I am thanking the Holy Spirit for holding Leroy close while I prayed for him.
When I finished I smiled and returned to helping my granddaughters. After paying for his items, Leroy made one final stop. He came to the lemonade stand and asked my granddaughters where they got their beautiful eyes. My four-year-old granddaughter looked up and said with all the sweetness of a child, “God gave them to us.” Wow, Lord!
I thank God for making me one of his intercessors “who just can’t help herself” when someone needs prayer because we never know when our mission field will be in a country far away or at a garage sale!