By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
An intercessor is a person who intervenes on behalf of another person in prayer. That’s the straight forward, simple definition. But, while we’re on the subject, just what exactly does that mean?

For this intercessor it often means praying for someone with the same intensity that I would pray for myself or a loved one. It means praying in such a way that you would be honored to have that same prayer spoken back over you!
So, what exactly are we praying as intercessors? Prayer requests can be as different as people are themselves. I pray often for those that need healing; for illness, injuries, and surgeries. Sometimes these are simple and other times life altering.
I pray for guidance, direction, and knowledge. Many will ask for me to pray for wisdom. When I pray for someone to be given the gift of wisdom, I often ask for God to give the person discernment to know how to use the wisdom when they receive it.
Many prayer requests come for provision. We don’t pray for riches, but we do pray for provision. It’s always interesting to see how God answers this particular type of prayer. Sometimes, a gift is provided. Other times, a job may be offered that will enable the person to work and earn the needed provision!
Scripture tells us that God is our healer, our comforter, our provider, our guide, and our Father! He is almighty, omniscient and omnipresent. He is our creator. Yes, I could go on a while about our God. He is truly amazing!
Because God is all these things and more, I can approach his throne with confidence knowing that he hears me. As an intercessor, I run into the spiritual throne room of God and lay the requests of others at his feet asking him to heal them, provide for them, guide them, comfort them, and sometimes, just to show his love to them.
Does he answer? Always. But in his time. Remember Abraham? He waited for the answer to God’s promise for 25 years! God always keeps his promises, and friend he always answers prayer. I didn’t say he always answers the way you think he should or the way we might hope he would. But, in his infinite wisdom, he answers.
What is an intercessor? Someone who is called to love others through the gift of praying for them. One who talks often with God and willingly runs to the foot of his throne to intercede on behalf of another. One who finds their voice in prayer and has faith to believe in the one who answers.