Did you ever notice the power of light? The darkest night sky when suddenly marked by even one twinkling star is no longer black. A room shrouded in darkness is changed completely with the light of one lamp. A single candle sends light into the farthest reaches reflecting the truth of what is hidden. One single light…one light in the darkness brings hope, truth, and even salvation.
As an intercessor I know the power of one prayer prayed opens the spiritual door for God to shine his light upon the hurting, the helpless, the seemingly impossible and bring the light of a miracle. Intercession brings the light of hope – not because of the one interceding, but because of the one who answers the prayer; the Lord God Almighty.
When we enter into a prayer of intercession, we lift the burden up from the one who is hurting and run to God’s throne room to lay it at his feet; knowing that we’ve brought the prayer to Almighty God, our Father in Heaven, where nothing is impossible. That’s when it happens. A light is shown upon the pain, the despair, upon what man cannot do. It is the light of God’s love that brings healing and hope where there has been none.
As an intercessor, I hold the light of God in my prayer during the time I intercede for another. When pain is involved, tears may run down my cheeks as I pray in intercession. The Lord knows the tears I have are for the one I am interceding for. For just as Jesus wept for Lazarus, so I weep for the one whose burden I carry to the Lord.
Pain is often associated with darkness. But we read in John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. God’s light – his love, shines in the darkness and brings hope to the one hurting. The light of the Lord comes to shine through his intercessors as he answers the prayers we cry out to him on behalf of others.
For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. Eph 5:8 When we enter into a life of intercession, we also enter into a life of light in the Lord.
Are you feeling called to lift others up in prayer? Do you find yourself praying for those in other nations you’ve never met? Do you feel a need to pray for the salvation of those who do not yet know Jesus? If you do, God may be calling you to be a light in the darkness.
There is a place for you to reach out on the home page of this blog for mentoring in intercession. When God calls you, he will prepare you. Will you answer his call?
Jacqui - One of God’s Intercessors