Dear friend,
I hope you felt the blessings of God poured out for you at Christmas. I hope you entered into this new year with great anticipation of all God will do in your life. I hope that even in the cold, cloudy winter weather your eyes are shining with the light of Jesus.
But, if those are not true for you today, then, I want to pray for you. Please join me and pray the prayer aloud knowing that it was prayed for you, today; knowing that you matter and that God wants you to know that you matter, not just to me, but to Him.
Father God,
I thank you that you are El Roi, the God who sees, and that today you see my friend who is reading this prayer. Lord, Christmas time was challenging for her. It broke her heart this year. She wanted it to be so special. She really wanted to feel the celebration of Jesus’ birth in her heart, but the trial she is in left her drenched in tears. I know you saw her tears and that’s why you have called me to pray for her today.
Lord, I know you were right there with her as one year passed into the next. You held her as she went to sleep hoping that somehow things would be different when she awoke, yet knowing they might not be. Lord, I know you felt her discouragement and that’s why you have called me to pray for her. This cold, cloudy winter day matches the clouds in her eyes as she wonders how she will get through this trial.
Father God, please reassure her today that she is not alone. She is seen. She is cared about. She is loved by You, Almighty God! Please let her know in a way she alone will understand that you are aware of her trials. You see how difficult life is for her right now. You know of the times she cries and You are right there with her. Let her know that you are the great comforter and today, Lord, let her feel your comfort.
Fill her heart with peace. Place your blessing upon her finances. Lay your hand of healing upon her body, and remind her that she is fearfully and wonderfully made…by YOU God. Remind her that she is loved enough to die for.
Comfort her hurting heart and reassure her that you will be with her every step of this journey and that the strength you give her will be enough. Remind her she does not need to do this alone. Remind her that you are a God who answers prayer.
Lord, I rejoice that you will indeed answer this prayer for her. I give you thanks for the blessings that you are already pouring into her life; for the comfort you are giving in this moment and in the days ahead until she once again feels loved. I praise you that you are a God of hope and that you will fill her heart and mind once again with the hope that comes from you. I humbly bow before you as you anoint her with your love.
Thank you, God, for answering the prayer I have just prayed for my friend. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As an intercessor I am often called upon to pray for those I know and for those I don’t yet know. So, even if we’ve never met, please accept this prayer as one prayed for you by one of God’s intercessors.
By Jacqui - One of God's Intercessors