By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
Did you ever want to pray for someone and not feel that you had the words to pray? Even a seasoned intercessor may sometimes have a day when she wonders, “What does God want me to pray for this person?” When that happens, I immediately go to the Scriptures.
Often, I’ll first ask God in prayer to guide me to the Scripture he wants me to pray for this person. I may tell the Lord, I think this person needs encouragement today and then find that God directs me to a Scripture that is quite different. Want a word of advice? Go with God’s choice. You see, I may think they need encouragement, but God knows they really need comfort.
God knows what we need and the beautiful part is he often puts it in the mind of one of his intercessors to pray for us. Quite often, I will feel a nudge to pray for someone. When God is calling me to pray, he wants more from me than a quick uttered prayer. If you’re an intercessor, you know what I mean when I say that, “God is persistent!” The Lord will bring up that person’s name to my mind over and over until I stop and ask, “Lord, what do you want me to stop and pray for them?”
While we are blessed to have an entire Bible filled with hundreds of Scriptures, the Lord will guide me to the exact one he wants prayed. I’ve come to realize that it’s not enough to send a message that simply says, “I prayed for you.” Nope. If God has put that person on my mind for a length of time, he knows that they need to know what I prayed for them.
It really has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. God wants the person to know that he is aware of their needs. So, when they receive an email or text from me with a prayer that lines up with exactly where they felt a need, they can Praise God for what he has done! Praying from the Scriptures aligns right with God’s will.
As an intercessor, there are also those times that I am urged to make a phone call or stop by an office and ask if I can pray with the one God has put on my mind. I am amazed over and over again at how God sees us when we are in need and sends someone to pray with us.
If someone you know is on your mind lately, is it time you stopped and prayed for them? Not sure what to pray? Go to the Scriptures. I’m quite sure if you ask him, God will guide you to just the right one to pray.