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Writer's pictureLife of an Intercessor

God Asked for My Husband

By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

Dear friend, below you will find a short piece I was asked to write for Men for Missions for their magazine. This request came after a recent prayer chapel I led.

During the chapel we were praying for Men for Missions and the short-term mission teams they send out into the Nations. I thought I would mention my husband’s recent trip with them as he had just returned. Not for a moment, beforehand, did I anticipate that I would dissolve in tears as I shared.

Perhaps, I truly hadn’t realized until that moment how very much God had blessed us in what he did in Jeff’s life and in mine. I couldn’t speak for a moment as God filled me with gratitude for his amazing blessing.

When God told me he wanted my husband, I didn’t know quite what to think; only that God was asking that I give him someone I love very much. I could only trust my Lord. God walked with him through some difficult moments and saw him through some fears while all the while, at home, I prayed. I prayed God’s will be done.

There was also an hour I prayed and interceded on his behalf, even asking other intercessors to join me, when his plane arrived late in one country and he was going to miss his transatlantic flight home. God answered. They held the plane! He boarded outside and was somehow even given an upgrade on his seat! Only God.

As an intercessor, I know God is able. God is even able to do immeasurably more than we could even ask for; changing lives in incredible ways. I hope you enjoy reading below. I hope you will Praise God today for all the prayers you have seen him answer and trust him for the answers to those prayers you are still praying.

“God asked for my husband. I knelt at the foot of a chair in my prayer closet and I asked him, “Even my husband, Lord?” I knew with a certainty in that moment that the Lord would call Jeff, and he would change him. You might wonder if a man already walking with God could really be changed on a short-term mission trip. Yes, yes he can.

Jeff received an invitation he never expected to have. The cost was more than we could afford and the timing wasn’t the best. He had never flown internationally and was being asked not only to fly, but to fly alone to meet up with a team he had never met before. God was taking him way out of his comfort zone!

Thousands of miles away Jeff saw God at work, through prayer, as his team prayed time and again for tools, very specific supplies and answers to problems that seemed to have improbable solutions. He witnessed the answers to prayer come in minutes! Answers came that could only have come through the power of God. He stood in awe as he worshipped with people in a country torn apart by war and he felt the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just as God said he would, he came home changed.

My husband prayed with me before he left, but today, he prays as a man who expects God to answer. He lives as a man who has seen God do what he previously would’ve thought could not happen. He lives and walks in a greater depth of faith because of what God did in and through him on a Men for Missions trip.”

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