By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
Father God,
Hallelujah! Thank you for the precious gift of your son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I humbly come before you, giving thanks, for the gift of this day to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child.

Lord, I thank you for the friend, who is praying this prayer with me. I pray their day is filled with gladness and their heart with joy! Whatever is happening in their life today, let them take a moment to stop and remember the miracle of Jesus’ birth.
Help them feel your love for them. The love you have for them that is so deep and abiding that you sent your only begotten son to earth to live and to die for them. What an incredible gift! What an incredible love!
Help this friend praying with me realize how much you love them. Remind them they are not alone; that you are there spending Christmas with them, just as you’re here with me.
Lord, I pray that the one you especially want to be reminded today of your love for them, will read see this blog and join me in this prayer to give you thanks and glory and praise! For you, O Lord, are the God who is worthy to be praised.
Remind _____________ once again, Father, that you love ____. Just as you love me.
Thank you for the joy of this Christmas! Thank you for the gift of your love!
Be Glorified this day, Lord. Be Glorified!
In Jesus’ name,