By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
Hope. Hope brings life. Hope brings joy. Hope brings the Hallelujah! Today, I can think of no better word to sing out than Hallelujah!

Hallalu-yah is a Hebrew word that means “praise ye Jehovah”. Hallalu is the plural form of hallel which means to praise or song of praise. Yah is a shortened form of Yahweh. This word is an active imperative, which means it is a command or entreaty to do something. In this case, it is a command to praise God in song.
One Day is a praise song written and sung by Cochren & Co. The lyrics touched my heart last night as I sat and listened. Here is a song focused on God’s promises and the Hallelujah we will experience because of them. Why am I sharing song lyrics with you on a prayer blog? Here’s why…
I want you to know the God I pray to. The Almighty God who keeps his promises and walks through the darkest night with us. The God that reminded me this morning that he never promised I wouldn’t have troubles, sickness, or pain. He promised that he would never leave me. He promised that nothing can separate me from his love for me. And, friend, he promised you, too.
Because of his promises, I can pray and intercede for you. Because of his promises, I can trust him to answer those prayers and know that you will be blessed by them and HE will be glorified by them. This is the strongest hope I can share with you in this season…the HOPE in God. Are you ready to sing a Hallelujah with me?
One day there’ll be no more lives taken too soon
One day there’ll be no more need for a hospital room
One day every tear that falls will be wiped by His hand,
We will see the promised land.
One day there’ll be no more anger left in our eyes
One day the color of our skin won’t cause a divide
One day we’ll be family, standing hand in hand
And we will see the promised land, we will see the promised land!
One day every knee will bow, every tongue will confess
One day when our tired and weary bones find their rest
One day when the power of evil is brought to an end
We will see the promised land, we will see the promised land!
Hallelujah, there will be healing
From this heartbreak we’ve been feeling
We’ll sing in the darkest night
‘Cause we know that the light will come
And there will be healing, Hallelujah!