Are you willing to leave your comfort zone? Or has it become so comfortable that you simply avoid leaving it whenever possible?
One of my gifted students once told me, “Teacher, I am so happy in my comfort zone, I don’t ever want to leave it. I don’t want to do anything that I might not be the best at, so I am going to stay right where I am.” The child was brilliant, but unless he chose to leave that comfort zone of his, he would never realize the full potential of what God had gifted him to be able to do!
Yesterday, I attended a chapel that was packed! Four young women were scheduled to share about their life with Christ. Everyone came in and we all sat and listened as each one shared their amazing story. All that was required of us was to sit and listen. We even finished early! Everyone left happy. The only ones who had stepped out of their comfort zones were the 4 women that shared. The rest of us sat quite comfy in our zones.
Just one week earlier, I had led our monthly prayer chapel. The seats were not packed at that chapel. In fact, there were several open seats one could choose from. Those that came tended to all sit close to the people they know well. Let me tell you why I think that may have happened.
During a prayer chapel one is asked to move their chair and join 1-3 other people in a small circle. One is asked to have paid close enough attention to understand what we are about to lift up in prayer AND one is asked to pray…aloud…with other people. Not once, but three times I asked people to get out of their comfort zones.
You may find it comfortable to pray for yourself, quietly, alone and perhaps even that is stretching you at times. But, I asked those attending the prayer chapels to move, to join others, to pray for other people or situations that are not solely your own situation. I ask them to pray aloud and I don’t ask for this just once. Nope, I ask those attending to pray several times during the prayer chapel. I even call it an invitation to pray!
I guess I need to face the facts. In a prayer chapel, one must take the attitude of a warrior or at least avoid the attitude of the cowardly lion. I’m inviting, yes inviting, you to leave your comfort zone and enter into an incredible experience of praying as two or three gathered in Jesus’ name. Why? Because God will meet you there. You will be blessed and God will answer those prayers bringing Glory to His Name!
Father God, I pray that the one reading this today will be filled with the courage of the Holy Spirit and that they will discover they would rather be in your Holy presence with others, even if it feels different, than to remain in their own comfort zone. In Jesus’ name, Amen
By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors