Blog by Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

Once a month we have a prayer chapel. Everyone is invited! For those that can, they come in person. For those who are too far away to come in person, they are invited to join on Zoom. It is a time to gather together before the Lord; a time to worship and a time to pray.
Each month’s prayer chapel is a little different. Sometimes we are praying for a specific group of missionaries, sometimes for the needs we have, and sometimes we are praying the Holy Scriptures. We’ve prayed prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of praise, and heartfelt prayers of need.
We pray in small groups, large groups and occasionally just as individuals. Some pray out loud before the group, others pray silently in agreement. However, one prays, they are welcome. What always remains the same is the God we pray to. Our God remains the same. When all else changes, God is the same yesterday, today, and He will be tomorrow, too. We pray to the Living, Holy God; the Lord God Almighty who is, who was and who will be.
As God’s intercessor, who most often leads these prayer chapels, I sometimes become discouraged. One might think that an intercessor who has been blessed with the spiritual gift of faith would never get discouraged. But, I do. Just as Jeremiah wept for those he interceded for, I sometimes weep to hear others say they didn’t come because, “they forgot”, “they had too much work to do”, and “they really just aren’t in to it”. What?!
You forgot God and how much he wants to hear you in prayer? You forgot that God can do far more than you can even conceive of and that prayer is the first step in that? You aren’t into a relationship with God? You may think I am being overly dramatic here. But, folks, this is God we’re talking about. This is an opportunity to join with other believers and spend time talking with our Heavenly Father. This is about your relationship with God.
If you’re tired of hiding your relationship with God; if you’re ready to step out and let the world know how very much you enjoy talking with him and how you’d really rather spend time worshipping and praying to him than any other work you have, then I’ll see you tomorrow morning…at the prayer chapel.