If you are an intercessor, called by God, and gifted by God to intercede for people, there may be days that you will feel very alone. I was reminded today that we are not alone. God is raising up intercessors all over the world.
Recently, while in Spain leading a prayer team, I met a young woman who is feeling called to pray. She joined our prayer team at the last minute. Normally, this might bring about some problems, but in this instance it was a sheer and complete blessing from God to have her as part of our team.
During our week together in prayer we found ourselves in deep conversation at times. She was able to share with us that her friends didn’t seem to understand prayer in the same way she did and she was truly wondering why. Her heart was saddened that they did not feel called to pray as often or as ardently in each situation that she did. Yet, she couldn’t stop the deep desire within her own heart to want to pray and to encourage others to pray as well.
It was during this week that she ‘found her people’ in us. I felt blessed to be able to affirm her calling as an intercessor. Our team shared with her that she was simply feeling this way because God gave her the heart of an intercessor. God blesses us each in different ways with different gifts. While all are called to pray, not everyone is called to be an intercessor.
Later, in talking with another intercessor, she shared that she was 39 before she ‘found her people’. She said she, too, often wondered why her desire to pray was so different than those she was around. It wasn’t until the calling on her life was confirmed that she was able to fully step into her gifting and move forward with confidence.
Intercessors are often alone…yet God is always with us. I share that because it has been so important in my own life and in my own calling for me to remember. I am alone, but God is always with me. Dear brother or sister intercessor, I pray for you now that you, too, will find someone to affirm your calling and to pray with you. It is good to come together in prayer.
If you are called to be a watchman, or a prophetic intercessor, you may find yourself feeling even more alone. You may spend hours with God, yet not have anyone close who would understand, to have a deep discussion with about what you are hearing, seeing and praying. If this is you, please know that God has called others just as he has called you. Wherever you are today, please say a prayer for your fellow intercessors. May we constantly and consistently seek God and His will in all things and in all prayers. God is with us.