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When A Few Are Not Enough

Writer's picture: Life of an IntercessorLife of an Intercessor

I really love to pray.  While that doesn’t mean I always need to pray on and on, there are times that I simply have a need from within to really pour out in prayer.


Sure, I’d like to be polite.  You know, just say a few uplifting words, ask the Lord to bless someone and move on.  But, there are times I can’t.  Times when I know that if I don’t really ‘pray it out’ to the Lord, I’m literally going to choke on the words he is giving me to pray!


If you’re an intercessor maybe you’ve experienced this.  If you’re not and you’re really only reading this blog out of curiosity, then you may be wondering what I’m talking about.  Let me explain.  There are times that I may pray just what someone has asked or ‘pray short’ knowing that I don’t have much time to pray right then.  There I times I pray and stop before I’ve fully prayed it through because someone else is going to take a turn after me to pray.


But, today, I am talking about a need, a strong need that comes from the Holy Spirit within me to pray and pray and then pray some more for a need.  Like today, when I think of the pain in the man’s eyes or hear again in my mind the frustration in the woman’s voice as she shared and I know that the Lord has much for me to pray for them.


I know it’s God when it’s like that because I’m not repeating myself nor am I stammering or stuttering and I’m most definitely not running out of words.  Scriptures come to mind and my very heart is in the prayer that I am praying to Almighty God on behalf of someone else.  That’s when I know that I really need to be able to walk while I’m praying. It’s as though I cannot even sit still; the need to pour out in prayer is so intense.  As I walk, I often find myself walking at a faster pace as though my legs want to keep up with the flow of prayer that the Holy Spirit is speaking through me!


Other times, I may need to drop to my knees and just bow my head before my Lord.  The words of prayer just don’t stop coming.  It’s not always like this.  I, too, have days that I pray a few words and know that the prayer is over.   God heard it. He will answer it.


Today, is a day that a few words are not enough.  Today, I know that I need to pray until the words run dry.  Then and only then will I know that I have prayed all the Lord is asking me to pray.  Such are the days in the life of an intercessor.

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2020 Life of an Intercessor 

Created by One of God's Intercessors

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