How important is prayer in your life? In mine it’s at the top of the list. It’s in my daily life and most days, it’s in my hourly life. I’m either talking to God or listening for him throughout every day. But, not everyone is and I realize that.
As the intercessor leading World Intercessors for a major mission organization, I can honestly say, that prayer is not first and foremost on people’s minds. We have wonderful leaders. We have leaders who pray. Several people will immediately pray when asked. We have a group that will almost always attend a prayer chapel. But, I have learned that all this does not mean that prayer is the first line of defense or offense or action that most will take.
I’ve had more than one leader tell me that they have cancelled or rescheduled more appointments with me than with anyone else! In the heat of getting responsibilities done, and solving problems, prayer often ends up as something we’ll do later – on the drive home, while we’re walking to the car, before we go to bed, if we stay awake long enough.
If the people who love the Lord, who are focused on seeking the Lord and serving him all day, everyday, are struggling to stop and take time just for prayer and not any other activity but prayer, that may mean that prayer is often overlooked.
I am praying for each of you that take the two minutes it takes to read my prayer blog. I am asking God to help you keep prayer as a main focus in your life. If you’re reading this, then you already have a strong interest in prayer and intercession. Now, is a time when God is calling intercessors to pray. You know the Scripture verses I’m talking about. The ones that say, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17) and “Those who call upon the Lord, give yourselves no rest.” (Isaiah 62:6) God really meant what he said. He wants us to pray. He said, Go into your prayer closet and close the door." (Matt 6:6) He wants us to intercede.
Please don’t give up on those you pray with. I mean that word “with”. Don’t let people get in the habit of always just sending you their prayer requests. If there is a way for you to be with them either in person, on the phone or on Zoom; do it. Meet with them. Pray with them. Pray together. Let’s be the intercessor who stands in the gap, who lifts people up, and who stands beside them in the prayer. Reschedule those that just can’t make it today. Persevere! Let’s work together as intercessors so prayer is not overlooked. Let’s walk with others into the prayer room and bring them straight into the presence of God and pray.
By Jacqui - One of God's Intercessors