By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors
My identity was recently stolen! Someone used important identification numbers belonging to me to open accounts I didn’t open. It’s an odd feeling to know that your identity can be taken from you. In the midst of the mess, I had an important realization.

My most important identity cannot be stolen. My identity as a child of God is mine alone. God knows everything about me. No one could ever take my place or operate with my name with God. He knows every hair on my head. He knows every tear that I cry and every prayer that I’ve prayed. Trust me that last number would be a big one!
God does not place the greatest value on the numbers of my life. I am valuable to him because he loves me as his child. Remember the scripture “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”? Romans 12:2 When we become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our personal Lord and Savior, we are transformed!
My old account numbers and email are no longer valid. Just like my life before Christ, they have become the former things of the past. God tells us to “forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:18-19 My identity is in Christ and he is doing a new thing!
What a great revelation! What an experience to help me fully have that realization. It hasn’t been easy, but God sent several people to pray with me as I walked through this. So often, I am called to pray for others. Today, I feel very humbled by all the prayers others prayed for me.
Friend, I hope you never have to walk through this; that your identity is kept safe. But I also hope that today you’ll stop and take a few moments to pray and thank God that your real identity; the one that matters most as a child of God is always secure.