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Writer's pictureLife of an Intercessor

Behind the Prayer Room Door

She stood briefly outside in the hall with a smile on her face chatting with others going by. Then she breezed into the room and turned closing the prayer room door. When she turned back around the smile was gone.

Taking a seat, she began sharing what was happening in her life. Soon the tears began to run silently down her face. There were a few moments when we sat together quietly as I handed her a Kleenex. I spoke words of compassion and her breath shuddered. After a moment she continued sharing and then I began to intercede in prayer for her.

I let the Holy Spirit guide my words and I took her prayer needs to the foot of the throne of God. For it is there that Our Lord will take our burdens and bring about answers in ways we cannot even fathom. Prayers poured from my mouth and the Holy Spirit’s presence was felt by us both.

At the end of our prayer time together, she hugged me, blew her nose again and stood to regain her confidence. When the prayer room door opened, she stepped back out into the hallway, smiling once more. This happens more often than you know.

As an intercessor, I’ve learned that those whose smiles are most firmly in place as they meet with people in the hallways of life are often those who are feeling the greatest pain when they open up to share with me behind the prayer room door. Their co-workers and neighbors have no idea what they are struggling with. Sometimes, their families and friends don’t either.

Some people openly share their pain with others. They reach out to anyone who will listen and they talk about the challenge and the trials they are facing. They may even have several people they’ve asked to pray for them. You can find the latest news in their challenge on Facebook and send a message that you’re praying for them. But these are not the only ones suffering. These are not the only ones facing pain and trials. There are others.

Yes, I’ve learned that the real answers to what is happening in someone’s life are found behind the prayer door. For some, the only safe place to take their pain is to the Lord in prayer. And, when the pain gets too heavy for them to lift up to God in prayer alone, we are there. We are the intercessors whom God has called to listen and to pray; to intercede in prayer giving the burdens to the only one who can truly help – the Lord, Our God. To Him be the Glory.

Soon I will leave to travel to another country. While I’m there I’ll spend time in a prayer room waiting to intercede throughout the days for those needing prayer. But, only God knows what I will hear. Thankfully, God will direct my prayers through the Holy Spirit because He already knows what will be shared behind the prayer room door.

By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

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