Life of an Intercessor

Apr 8, 20212 min

Pray and Plan

By Jacqui - One of God's Intercessors

Little did I realize how much those words would change my life. You see, he had just invited me to come to Israel on a mission team. I replied that I’d pray about it. Then, he looked directly at me and he said, “You pray and you plan.” To be honest I wasn’t even quite sure what that meant. Today, I understand quite well the value of those words.

Here’s what they don’t mean. They do not mean that I pray and ask God what He wants and then go ahead and do what I want. They don’t mean that I pray and plan to fail.

Here’s what they do mean. They mean that I pray in all faith believing that the Lord is able to answer my prayer. It means that I plan for God to answer and prepare as though he already has.

Another intercessor shared a story with me about how this played out in her daughter’s life. Her daughter prayed asking God to provide a medical appointment for her child that same day. She was very concerned and knew her child needed to see the doctor right away. But this was a specialist and it was very difficult to get in. She prayed, but she didn’t plan. She didn’t take her shower or dress for the day. So, when the doctor’s office called and said to bring her child in now; she was embarrassed to go with no make-up, unwashed hair and still in her sweats. Her mom laughed and reminded her after you pray; plan for God to answer!

As for me, I took the advice the man gave me. I prayed and I planned for God to provide and to make the way for me to go, and I went to Israel!

Once again, I am facing a big challenge. I’ve been praying for several days. Today, I am reminded that I must begin planning for God’s answer!

Are you facing a challenge in your own life? Have you started to pray? Just don’t forget to plan for God’s answer.
